Register Now
Please contact us to book a tour to ensure the centre is a ‘good fit’ for your family. Tours are available once an offer of placement has been made. There is no fee to have your child placed on our waiting list. To be added to the waitlist, press Register Today below and get started.
What to expect after registering
When a space becomes available, the family at the top of the waitlist, with a child of the required age, will be contacted and invited to accept a child care spot. Siblings of children already enrolled in Junction Day Care will take priority for placement.
If a family has been offered a space but we do not receive a response within a few days, we will try again and give a deadline for a response. If we do not receive a response, we will move to the next family on the list. If the family accepts the offer we move to the next step. Prior to the child’s start date, we will set up a tour and visit in the child’s room.
If the family, for any reason, declines the spot then we will offer the spot to the next family on the list.
Any family that declines a spot may remain on the list in the same sequence unless they request to be removed from the waiting list.
Enrollment in Junction Day Care does not automatically ensure enrollment in Annette Street Public School. You must live in the catchment area to attend Annette Street Public School. In order to attend our Before and After Programs, your child must be enrolled in either Annette Street Public School or High Park Alternative School.
High Park Alternative School is by application and a lottery for enrollment.