Our Programs
Age: 2.5 - 3.8 years
Ratios: 1:8
Junction operates two preschool programs, each staffed with 3 experienced, qualified Educators (RECE and Non-ECE) for a total of 32 spaces. These spaces are exclusive to Junction Day Care Centre. Play based programs are planned based on the observations of the interests of the children and individual and group needs. Play based learning opportunities also list the skill to which each child is learning and incorporate How Does Learning Happen (HDLH) the Ministry of Education’s pedagogical document. They encompass the five domains of: Sensory, Communication, Language and literacy, Cognitive, Social/emotional and Physical as well as the four foundations of HDLH- Well-Being, Engagement, Belonging and Expression. Educators will share observations with families and collaborate with them to ensure the needs of the children are being met. Educators use the Lillio (formerly HiMama app) to communicate and share information with the families of our preschool children.
We are registered to participate in the Canada Wide Early Leaning and Child Care System (CWELCC) in an effort to reduce fees to families with children aged 0-6 years old.
Age: 3.8 - 6 years
Ratios: 1:13
The Kindergarten Before and After Care Program is staffed with experienced, qualified Educators (RECE and non-ECE) and operated by Junction Daycare Centre to support the needs of families in Annette Street Public School and High Park Alternative school. There are three classes in operation for a total capacity of 78 FDK children. They share space in the existing Kindergarten classrooms within the school. Play based programs are planned based on the observations of the interests of the children and individual and group needs. Play based learning opportunities also list the skill to which each child is learning and incorporate How Does Learning Happen (HDLH) the Ministry of Education’s pedagogical document. They encompass the five domains of: Sensory, Communication, Language and literacy, Cognitive, Social/emotional and Physical as well as the four foundations of HDLH- Well-Being, Engagement, Belonging and Expression.
We are registered in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System (CWELCC) in an effort to reduce fees for families with children aged 0-6 years old.
School Age
Age: 6 - 12 years
Ratios: 1:15
The School Age Before and After Care Program is staffed with experienced, qualified Registered Early Childhood Educators and operated by Junction Daycare Centre to support the needs of families in Annette Street Public School and High Park Alternative school. Play based programs are planned based on the observations of the interests of the children and individual and group needs. Play based learning opportunities also list the skill to which each child is learning and incorporate How Does Learning Happen (HDLH) the Ministry of Education’s pedagogical document. They encompass the five domains of: Sensory, Communication, Language and literacy, Cognitive, Social/emotional and Physical as well as the four foundations of HDLH- Well-Being, Engagement, Belonging and Expression. We currently have capacity for 90 children (We operate 3 SA programs with 30 children and 2 staff per room). We believe in outdoor play and endeavour to spend as much time outside as possible weather permitting. WE believe in Risk Play that allows children to test their limits while learning to do it in a safe environment. “Risky play is a critical component of children’s development. While the term may seem to have a negative connotation, the developmental properties of risky play are hugely positive. When children are allowed to take risks in their play, they develop skills such as decision making, communication strategies, problem solving, risk management and resilience.“ (/Appetite to Play). We are registered in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System (CWELCC) in an effort to reduce fees for families with children aged 0-6 years old. This may apply to some SA families until the end of the month when your child turns 6 years old.